Winning in life starts with setting your goals. The only way to succeed is to know what you want to achieve, where you want to go, and have a plan to get there. To achieve your goals, you first need to see your big vision and then break that down into smaller projects, tasks and actions that you can achieve monthly, weekly, and daily. This is where a 90-Day Goals Bullet Journal can help.
Goals Bullet Journal
In today’s digital lifestyle where you can find an abundance of apps and tools for planning and organization, many still choose to use a goals bullet journal. There’s something empowering, inspiring, and soothing about writing your goals on a blank or dot grid bullet journal.
With a goals bullet journal, you have the freedom to decide what to put in it and how you want to use it. You can break them down in several categories, separate your personal and business goals, draw your goals instead of just writing them, include a calendar, or create a simple to-do list. It stimulates your creative and critical thinking and creates a neurological connection to your goals.
The Powerful Benefits of a Goals Bullet Journal
Having a goals bullet journal offers many advantages beyond helping you succeed with your goals. Here are some of the benefits of writing down your goals and thoughts in your bullet journal:
Improved mental health. Journaling reduces stress, relieves anxiety and speeds up emotional recovery. It helps to improve your mood by bringing awareness to your concerns and prioritizing your self-care while giving you the opportunity for positive self-talk. It also encourages you to reflect and be in the moment. Journaling creates a powerful mindfulness practice, especially when combined with yoga and meditation.
Improved memory. Writing helps improve your memory and comprehension skills. One study shows that those who write notes by hand learn and retain more than those who type on their computers. Writing improves working memory as the sensory information of the physical act of handwriting helps you recall the details of what you have written.
Goal achievement. People who describe their goals and write about them vividly are 140% more likely to accomplish their goals than those who don’t. Writing them down provides a visual reminder of your goals and etches your goals into your memory.

Why Start a 90-Day Goals Bullet Journal
If you want to get started with journaling but you’re not sure how or where to begin, a 90-Day goals bullet journal is an easy starting point. What’s great about it is you can begin to use it anytime of the year. You don’t need to wait until January. You can set your goals anytime and break them down into quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals.
Stay Focused. Compared to year-long journals, 90 days gives you just the right amount of time to set your goals and to stay super focused on what you can accomplish within this short period. A 90-day goal time frame provides you enough time to make big changes and build new habits without getting off track and distracted. It’s also easier to track your progress over 90 days.
Stay Motivated. With a shorter deadline, it’s easier to stay motivated and achieve your goals. You’ll be able to mentally prepare and accomplish the goals you’ve set yourself for those 90 days without losing motivation. It’s also easier to review your goals and make strategy adjustments within a 3-month period than it is over an entire year. When you reach your 90 day goals you will feel more motivated to start again for the next 90 days.
Less Overwhelming. Getting overwhelmed with your yearly goals is one of the barriers to success. It’s hard to envision where you’ll be a year from now, but 90 days isn’t so far away. You’ll be able to have a realistic vision for what you want to achieve over this period, and a 90-day bullet journal will be able to motivate you to take action and make progress.
Easier to prioritize. You can better plan your schedule with a 90-day planner. Many unplanned events can happen within a year, but it’s easier to adjust your schedule and foresee incoming events within a 90-day period.
How to Get Started With Your 90-Day Bullet Journal
The first step is to review your goals for the year. Break them down into smaller steps and decide what you’d like to achieve in the next 90 days. Pick the goals you’d like to focus on. Break down these goals into even smaller tasks that you can achieve in 30 days, 7 days, and daily. Your 90-day bullet journal should have a monthly calendar and goals, a monthly to-do list, a weekly to-do list, and daily planner pages.
Decide how you want to set up your bullet journal. You have the freedom to create and organize the content of your bullet journal. Get creative and decide how you’d want to set it up. 90-day bullet journals can have productivity spreads, habit trackers, mood trackers, to-do lists, meal planning spreads, vision boards, and more. The content is really up to you. A great tip is to make it easy to find what you’ve set up by creating a bullet journal index.
Don’t forget to include breaks, self-care and downtime. It’s so easy to forget to schedule wellness, exercise and rest. Include relaxation time in your journal, too.
Get excited to achieve your goals while staying open to change. You’ll be surprised at how much you can achieve with the help of a 90-day goals bullet journal.