Times like these have a funny way of stripping back what we thought was important – leaving only what truly is.
Unexpected events can help you see life with greater clarity – and what you really want, value, and believe is often revealed.
As a Dailygreatness practitioner, all this time, you may have thought that you were simply filling out a journal, showing gratitude, and creating positive feelings.
But what you have actually been doing is rewiring your brain.
Perhaps without even knowing it, subconsciously, you wanted to think differently. That's why you were seeking out a tool, like Dailygreatness, to help you facilitate the process.
Your committed practice is not only transforming the way you think, but it's also transforming your very DNA and how you instinctively respond to life - with less fight and flight and more courage to face the world around you.

Now is the time to lean into this even more.
Because with every new level of your personal growth comes new tests. And where we are today is undoubtedly a new test.
When you base your life on a solid foundation and equip yourself with a positive mindset, you will be OK. No matter what happens, your practice becomes your foundation, and your mindset is your shield.
Embrace the possibilities this time is bringing you.
See challenges, setbacks, and obstacles as opportunities to become more resourceful and build resilience that will serve you into your future.
Use this illuminating time to work even more purposefully on your vision, to set bigger intentions and goals based on a renewed understanding of yourself and the challenges you are facing.
If your business has taken a hit, think of ways to get creative, pivot and offer new services or products, the world desperately needs right now.
If you have lost your job, use this time to get clear on what you really want to be doing in the next phase of your life. Maybe working more in your passion or learning new, marketable skills.
At the very least, it’s a chance to be more grateful for the things you have in your life.
It won’t always be easy. But with Dailygreatness as your foundation and your mindset as your shield, you will make it over this bridge.
Remember, the good news in all of this is...you will go through a temporary transition but you will be forever transformed.