Introducing our Fitness Ambassador - Renee Selby-Jones

This week we continue to roll out our Ambassador Guru Program! 

It's true -- everyone is a Guru but it can take practice learning to trust yourself, learning to follow your innate wisdom and coming to the realisation that you have all the answers you need to overcome your life challenges.

Isn't that the most empowering realisation you can ever have?

Mentors, luminaries, gurus, inspirers are a necessary element to your success as you grow and reach for more of your potential. Being part of a community of successful people, watching  how they have succeeded and walking in their footsteps is how we can all grow so much faster and find our path so much easier. 

Our Dailygreatness Ambassadors a.k.a Gurus are here to inspire you and are part of your community. They have found their passion, ignited their inspiration and exercised their courage and as a result are able to share their truth, their experience and their wisdom with you. 

Today we are excited to introduce you to our Dailygreatness Fitness Guru -- Renee Selby- Jones! 


"I love the Dailygreatness Training Journal because it makes me think about my fitness and competition prep in a totally different way. Instead of looking at what is wrong, it asks me to look at what is right -- which sounds so obvious right? But I had never done that before. It asks me to be accountable but it asks me to forgive myself and look at how I can take constructive steps forward in my training instead of beating myself up over diet slips or a bad training sessions. I love that it helps remind me to be positive and grateful."


Meet, connect and be inspired by Renee's fitness journey and her fantastic attitude over on her Guru Profile. Please welcome her to our community by clicking the Like, Tweet or Share button!