Meet our Ambassador - Cecilia Duberg

This week saw the official launch of our Dailygreatness Ambassador Program.

As promised, over the coming weeks we will be introducing you to our inspirational Ambassadors otherwise known as Gurus.

Our mission here at Dailygreatness is to empower and inspire people to be their own guru and our Ambassadors are people who exemplify this message.

Today we are honoured to  introduce you to our Dailygreatness Guru -- Cecilia Duberg! 

"I really love the Dailygreatness Yoga Journal because I find it both professional and inspiring.  As a psychologist I can tell it is built on real CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) methods - but with a twist I really align with."

Meet, connect and read all about Cecilia on her Guru Profile and please welcome her to our community by clicking the Like or Share button!